发表日期:2012-08-14 文章作者:爱永设计 浏览次数:17227 次
WordPress在后台编辑日志时编辑框左下角有一个字数统计,不过只显示在后台,能不能在前台也加上文章字数统计功能呢?研究了一下程序源文 件,发现中文版WP后台的字数统计功能,是通过wp-content\languages目录的zh_CN-word-count.js实现的,就是不知 道如何调用。网上搜了一下,找到两篇老外给出的代码:
function count_words($str){ $words = 0; $str = eregi_replace(" +", " ", $str); $array = explode(" ", $str); for($i=0;$i < count($array);$i++) { if (eregi("[0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]", $array[$i])) $words++; } return $words; }
Word count: <?php echo count_words($post->post_content); ?>
// Custom functions // START : Show word count function show_post_word_count(){ ob_start(); the_content(); $content = ob_get_clean(); return sizeof(explode(" ", $content)); } // END : Show word count // START : Estimated reading time if (!function_exists('est_read_time')): function est_read_time( $return = false) { $wordcount = round(str_word_count(get_the_content()), -2); $minutes_fast = ceil($wordcount / 250); $minutes_slow = ceil($wordcount / 150); if ($wordcount <= 150) { $output = __("< 1 minute"); } else { $output = sprintf(__("%s - %s minutes"), $minutes_fast, $minutes_slow); } echo $output; } endif; if (!function_exists('est_the_content')): function est_the_content( $orig ) { // Prepend the reading time to the post content return est_read_time(true) . "\n\n" . $orig; } endif; // END : Estimated reading time
The following <?php echo show_post_word_count(); ?> words should take about <?php echo est_read_time(); ?> to read.
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